Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The author of this article talks about how he is more than meets the eye. He is covered with tattoos and piercings but that doesn't make him some drug addicted rebel. He's a smart and kind person. His tattoos reflect who he really is. They show his beliefs, his faith, Family all that good stuff. He wants the stereo types about people with tattoos to be gone.

here's the article

I know what he's talking about. I love tattoos, I love how that's one way for people to express themselves. It's amazing how people interpret things in their lives into body art. And it is art. You don't have to be in a band to have tattoos.

Bullying Turned Deadly

Nine teens have been charged for the Suicide of 15 year old Phoebe Prince. Some of the charges include stalking, statutory rape, and violation of civil rights. She was cyber bullied, she was called names online, things were thrown at her, her books were knocked out of her hands, her face was scribbled out of pictures. She didn't have Facebook but a lot of the other kids did and were organizing things that way. A lot of this started with the mean girl sort of things. Things like the whispering and talking behind her back. Her friends set up a memorial page for her on Facebook but some of the kids went on there and were still saying nasty things about her on the pages. She might not have been raped by force but by law. There was a big age difference between Phoebe and the boys so it might have been reported for that reason.

here's the article

The school should have done some serious business about this in the first place. If they are throwing things at her like bottles or full cans you need to do something. And it was nine people involved with this, maybe even more. Why didn't someone do something about this?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ditch Religion?

Philosopher Sam Harris told CNN for the world to tackle truly important problems, people have to stop looking towards religion for moral guidance. He says that there are major issues like education, nuclear weapons, poverty, etc. "These are issues which tremendous swings in human well-being depend on. And it's not the center of our moral compass." "Religion has convinced us that there's something else other than concerns about suffering. There's concerns about what God wants, there's concerns about what's going to happen in the afterlife," he said. he talks about how we look at gay marriage as one of the greatest problems in our country , which is ridiculous compared to the bigger issues going on in the world. he says we shouldn't be afraid to say that some acts are right and some are wrong. "It's not our job to not judged it and say everyone has to work out their own human fulfillment."

here's the artical

I agree with him on somethings. I don't think that we are all worried about what God thinks of us. At least not 24/7. I do agree that we are taking the whole gay rights thing out of hand and that we need to get over it and not bring religion into it. I think that some times we let religion cloud our judgment at times. Yet I think that it's important to have faith. Not necessarily just in religion but also in people or just in something. I think faith has a more powerful hold in people rather than religion.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Apple Runs Out of iPads

It seems that over night the iPads ran out. The delivery date for April 3rd has been pushed back to April 12th. It seems that you can't schedule a time to pick up an iPad from an Apple store at all. There will be iPads available next Saturday. It's basically just a first come first served type of thing. They don't know if it's because of a high demon or a short supply or both. There might be a1 million on hand or 300,000. They think that 204,00 have been pre-ordered.

I thought they would be making the iPods smaller not bigger, even though it is called an iPad. Doesn't it do the exact same thing as an iPod? I didn't think that that many have been pre-ordered all ready. Why would some one want one that big? you'd think it would be inconvenient.

artical here

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Aftermath

Patrick Kennedy--Ted Kennedy's son--is very excited about the new Heath care bill. He said that the health care bill fulfils his fathers legacy and completes what his father has been fighting for through out his career. He also said that this is a program for the middle class and that their the ones that are left out. He's very honored to support his fathers beliefe and that Obama stood by his commitment. The Republicans are not happy about this at all.

I'm not sure how i feel about this hralth care plan. No matter what type of plan they have there's always going to be pros and cins to it. I think it's better than what we did have. i hope that we see some changes soon. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

here's the artical

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Betty White Feeling Sad for Bullock

Betty's heart goes out Bullock about the whole issue with Jesse James having an affair. "We are all deeply, deeply saddened" said White " At such a high point in her life, it's tough, but I think the less other people have to say about it and let her work it out the better." "I love her with all my heart, she's one of the greatest human beings on the planet." White went on to say.

I love Betty White. I know I've said this before but I truly do. She so kind and gracious. I can"t believe that we learned about the Bullock scandal right after she won an Oscar for best actress. Crazy things happen in Hollywood.

Article here

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Walmart in Trouble

In Turnersvill, New Jersey someone's voice came one to the speakers and said all blacks must leave. Many people left the store in disgust leaving everything in their cart behind. A store manager got to the public address system to apologize, they also contacted the police. They aren't sure if it was a worker or if it was a prank done by a customer.

I can't believe someone would do this in the first's really scary if you think about it. you don't know if people might become violent or not. What were they thinking? Good God. This isn't even close to funny.

here's the artical

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sweat Lodge Deaths Ruled Accidental

Back in October three people died in a sweat lodge it is now found out that the deaths were and accident according to autopsy results. Two were found to have died from heat stroke from sauna-like conditions. Another died from multiple-system organ failure as a result from being in the sweat lodge to long. They found out that she had jaundice and anasarca which is fluid build up in your tissue. 20 others were sick from the sweat lodge. James Aurthur Ray-- the one in charge of the lodge--pleaded not guilty to man slaughter. His lawyer says that he did every thing he needed to for the safety precautions, he had nurses and medical staff there to monitor the lodge both inside and out.

here's the story

Sunday, March 14, 2010


An avalanche killed two and 30 were injured at a snowmobile competition in western Canada. About 200 people were at the event on Saturday when it hit on a British Columbia mountain. Police ere still going around at hotels to make sure everyone was where they needed to be. Emergency crews were using as many resources as possible to search for survivors after the area was cleared. The accident happened during " The Big Iron Shoot Out" on Boulder mountain near Revelstoke later that Saturday authorities said that three people were dead.

That's really's weird how things like this just happen. I can't even imagine this happening. What's really amazing is that only three people died out of about 200. It's still a tragic story but there is still a silver lining.

here's the story and a video with it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Betty White on SNL

Betty White fans(me being one of them) are very excited to know that she will be on Saturday Night Live. It was announced at Elton Johns annual Oscars viewing party on Saturday night. Fans have been wanting her to do this for quite some time. A Facebook page was used to attract half a million fans after seeing Betty on a Snickers commercial during the Super Bowl. PEOPLE aske dher if she would be on SNL, she simply said yes. " I don't know why or how, but it's been wonderful" she says. Betty didn't give any details about the show, it's been rumored that the show will be a special "Women of Comedy" with former SNL members Molly Shannon, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, but producer Lorne Michaels denied it.

I'm excited about this! I know this isn't a very important current event but I feel it's important to post this. My reasoning is that it's not as easy for women for to be comedians as it is for men. Betty White is a legend, not many women make it as far as she has. She's been doing this for years. I'm surprised that she hasn't been on SNL before. The time has come.

here's the article