Monday, March 29, 2010

Ditch Religion?

Philosopher Sam Harris told CNN for the world to tackle truly important problems, people have to stop looking towards religion for moral guidance. He says that there are major issues like education, nuclear weapons, poverty, etc. "These are issues which tremendous swings in human well-being depend on. And it's not the center of our moral compass." "Religion has convinced us that there's something else other than concerns about suffering. There's concerns about what God wants, there's concerns about what's going to happen in the afterlife," he said. he talks about how we look at gay marriage as one of the greatest problems in our country , which is ridiculous compared to the bigger issues going on in the world. he says we shouldn't be afraid to say that some acts are right and some are wrong. "It's not our job to not judged it and say everyone has to work out their own human fulfillment."

here's the artical

I agree with him on somethings. I don't think that we are all worried about what God thinks of us. At least not 24/7. I do agree that we are taking the whole gay rights thing out of hand and that we need to get over it and not bring religion into it. I think that some times we let religion cloud our judgment at times. Yet I think that it's important to have faith. Not necessarily just in religion but also in people or just in something. I think faith has a more powerful hold in people rather than religion.

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